• k1体育 - 十年品牌 值得信赖

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    International Welding Expert Pinsha Dong Visits Victall
    2021-12-09 13:33:50
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            Pinsha Dong, international welding expert and New Orleans University professor, and Pro. Zhao Wenzhong from Dalian Transportation University has been to Victall on a 5-day visit. The group has given a series of speeches on welding theory, structure, and process. Victall Group Welding Center, Romay Quality Dept., R&D Center and Engineering Dept. from Victall Siji has participated this training. Prof. Dong has spoken highly of the Group after the inspection of Tangche-Victall, Victall Decoration, Victall Siji, and Romay-Victall. 

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